The Pre-1860 Pianos of The Piano Museum of Hopkinton, MA - more to come! (Separate list)
Chickering 121 “Quarter-Grand” #108810
Chickering 122 “Quarter-Grand”
Steinway and Sons Monitor Grand #31102 1875
Klemm-Babcock Square ca. 1830-1835
Collard and Collard 7’ Grand
Joseph Kirckman Square Piano, 1799
Westermayer 7’ Grand 2513
Chappell and Co. “Yacht Piano”
Chickering 8’4” Concert Grand scale 33E #45535
Chickering 7’8” scale 84 “Semi-Grand”
Clementi Square Piano, Ca. 1829
Steinway “Parlor Grand” Style A, 6’ 1886
Chickering 7’8” scale 19 “Semi-Grand,” #33485
Mason and Hamlin Early “A” 6’3” Screwstringer Grands #9509 and 9688
Schomacker 6’ Grand, Gold-stringed copy of Steinway A1
Erard 8’7” 90 note Concert Grand ca. 1900
Bluthner 6’3” Grand ca. 1908
1858 Chickering Concert Grand #20961
Th. Steinweg Nachfolger Grand #1644
Broadwood 7’10” Short Drawing Room Grand #11505
Mathushek Orchestral Square #10886
Schweighofer 8’ Rosewood #2029
Erard 8’ London Grand Rosewood #9760
John Tallmann Square ca. 1830
Chickering 141 Concert Grand #15451- former piano of the LA Philharmonic
Chickering 67 Vertical ca. 1885
J&C Fischer Cabinet Grand, ca. 1875
Nunns and Clark Square ca. 1835
Goulding, Phipps and d’Almaine Square ca. 1796
V. LLinares Barrel Piano, Barcelona, c. 1900
Chickering “Cocked Hat” Grand 7’, Rosewood, 1858
Steinway “C” Grand 7’4” 53804, Rosewood 1885
Steinway “G” Vertical 57” 42279 3/4 plate, Rosewood
Steinway “M” Vertical 57” 61354 Full plate, Rosewood
Broadwood 7’1” Boudoir Grand, Rosewood
Broadwood 46” Vertical 16912, Rosewood
Knabe 6’ Grand #39056 Oak
Wing and Son Vertical, 5 pedals
1858 Steinway 8’ Concert Grand #1396, flat-strung, one of the earliest “fancy” grands.
6 octave Broadwood Grand built in 1811. Exhibited in Redlands, CA
Broadwood Square Exhibited in Redlands, CA
Chickering 8’4” Scale 33B Concert Grand, built in 1875, flatstrung, This piano was used in the November 13, 2016 Gottschalk concert with Frank Franch
Giovanni Schmid Grand #404, ca. 1850 Exhibited in Redlands, CA
Mason and Hamlin 7’5” “Style “B” “screw stringer” Grand #8940 - 1895.
1858 Hallet and Cumston Cocked Hat Grand #6742
1871 Bosendorfer Concert Grand #6908 flatstrung,
1881 Bosendorfer Concert Grand #9777 overstrung
1859 8’2” Chickering Concert Grand #22163, flatstrung
1867 Chickering 8’4” Concert Grand #30036
1847 Chickering Square Grand case #8141
1880s (undated) Chickering 110B 7’6” Grand case number #1782 (loaned)
1887 Chickering 106 6’4” #73240
Chickering 109C 6’4” #78875
1868 Steinway 8’6” Rosewood Concert Grand #16681
1871 Steinway 7’2” “Style 2” Rosewood Grand #24681
1870 Steinway 7’2” Rosewood Grand #20500
1867 Steinway 48” Style 1 Double-Iron Upright #15225
1871 Steinway 52” “Style 3 2” Double Iron Upright #20905
1879 Steinway “E” 48” Rosewood Upright #40731
1881 Steinway “F” Ebonized #47263 Early Full Plate Vertical
1865 Th. Steinweg Braunschweig Vertical #645
ca. 1857 Steinway Square #1301, 6 3/4 oct.
1875 Steinway Square #30846, 7 oct.
1878 Steinway Square #38043, 7 1/3 oct. with duplex and sostenuto
1880 Steinway Square 42972 similar to 38043 above (no picture)
1856 48.5” Erard Paris vertical #4687
1866 46” Erard Vertical #37885
1879 7’1” Erard London grand #16515
1844 8’ Erard Paris grand #16234
1843 8’ Erard Paris Grand #15908
(See The Erard Project - with VP David Rubenstein )
1869 8’ Erard London grand #11541
1911 Erard 7’ Paris Grand #100377
ca. 1870 Promberger 6’6” Viennese grand #1103
ca. 1880 Roenisch Vertical #9722
ca. 1875 Bluthner flatstrung Vertical #9291 - flatstrung with shifting una corda
ca. 1875 Collard and Collard flatstrung Vertical with shifting una corda
Collard and Collard 7’ Grand case 5240
ca. 1850 Wilkins and Newhall Square Grand #1210
Hallet Davis and Co. 7’4” Grand #38241
ca. 1825 Dubois and Stodart Square Grand #218
1890 Mason and Hamlin Screwstringer Vertical Style 5 #2196
1890 D.H. Baldwin Vertical #76
1892 Valley Gem #2920 Vertical
Heintzmann #27374 Transposing Vertical
Sprecher and Butte Vertical
Foster and Co. Vertical #30350
J&C Fischer bichord Vertical
Steinway Square #29672 (No Picture)
J&J Hopkinson Vertical
T. Gilbert Square #1591
1875 8’9” Steinway Centennial #35349 back action (first generation sostenuto mounted on belly), other action sample parts, donated by Jude Reveley of Billerica, MA
1862 early scale Steinway grand soundboard, donated by rebuilder Mark Phillips of Pennsylvania
1887 8’10” Steinway “D” # soundboard, bridge caps and pinblock only. Seen are elements of the original 1884 Theodore Steinway “D” design prior to the 1892 re-design by Henry Ziegler, including angled unison terminations in the mid-treble, and a larger bass cut-off bar than that of later “Ds”, donated by Dale Fox of North Highlands, CA
1878 7’2” Steinway Style 2 #38497 pinblock only, traditional stretcher type, donated by Bill Shull
1884 Steinway “D” #52473 original front duplex coverings (buckskin) and other artifacts from this very early first generation Steinway “D”. Donated by Richard Blais and Craig Hair of Hampshire Piano, Holyoke, MA
Hard Cover Piano Catalog and Piano Construction Catalog with color lithographs by Wing and Son Piano
Chickering 1880s Vertical Piano Iron Action Artifacts, donated by Richard Blais and Craig Hair of Hampshire Piano, Holyoke, MA