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 Performing - Studying - Exhibiting - Conserving

A 501(c)3 Non-Profit Corporation    email contact

        Bill Shull, RPT, M.Mus.  Founder and President

       610 Amigos Dr C,  Redlands, CA  92373  909 796-4226     PERIOD PIANO CENTER SINCE 2006                       

We seek to rediscover the art of the piano as the composer heard it on the instruments of the time;  to collect and study the instruments themselves, conserving many for history, and performing on many, so we might rediscover history’s magic.  We exhibit and curate instruments, tell the great stories of piano and society, and study the history of the piano, its technology and its builders.





Erard Pianos in the

Period Piano Collection


The Erard piano is significant due to its enormous influence as a concert instrument from the 1830s to the early 1900s.  It is also important for its influence on piano design.  Pianos today use variations of two important ideas from Erard:  the “Agraffe” and the “Double-Repetition Action.”  

Period Piano Collection has Erards from the 1790s to past 1900, including the following:

Grand Pianos:

1843 Paris 85 note 8’

1844 Paris 82 note 8’

1860s London 85 note 8”

1879 London 85 note 7’

1860s London 85 note 7’

1869 85 note 8’, with art case cabinet

1900 90 note 8’6” (On long term loan to PPC)

Vertical Pianos:

1850s London Vertical

1860s Paris Vertical

Square Pianos:

Epinette square from 1790s


Broadwood Square 8
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