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 Performing - Studying - Exhibiting - Conserving

A 501(c)3 Non-Profit Corporation    email contact

        Bill Shull, RPT, M.Mus.  Founder and President

       610 Amigos Dr C,  Redlands, CA  92373  909 796-4226     PERIOD PIANO CENTER SINCE 2006                       

We seek to rediscover the art of the piano as the composer heard it on the instruments of the time;  to collect and study the instruments themselves, conserving many for history, and performing on many, so we might rediscover history’s magic.  We exhibit and curate instruments, tell the great stories of piano and society, and study the history of the piano, its technology and its builders.






Steinway Style 2 1871

7’2” Grand #24681

This ancestor to the Steinway “C” has the original rosewood cabinet including the beautiful cabriolet legs.  It has received a restoration along the lines of restorative conservation, with respect for the original design and condition.  We received this piano with replacement strings, and we performed a careful restoration to achieve optimal tone without harming the historical value of the instrument.  Original action parts or matching contemporary parts were used, with new hammers matching original hammer weight.  This reveals a very different set of regulation dimensions than the modern Steinway, with a shorter key travel for the lower-leverage action. 

Loaned to Period Piano Collection by William Shull, who purchased the piano from the late piano technician Steve Schell, who purchased it from a local school district in the Long Beach CA areain the 1980s.  It had received a careful repair of the pinblock in approximately 1960, based on the notations found in the piano, and this repair is holding well.

Steinway Style 2 24681 1
Steinway 24681 plan view 2
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